Is recruitment well protected against Behavioural Differences between Real and Virtual?

Nadine Touzeau (1)
(1) Profiler, net-profiler, researcher in behavior of cybercriminals , France


While we are talking about better securing our environment in real and virtual space, recruiters are increasingly looking for solutions and innovations to better know candidates responding to job offers. Artificial Intelligence, social network analysis, psychological tests are all used to reassure oneself more than to ensure the recruitment of a candidate. But are these supports reliable? Knowing that recruitment is increasingly on social networks, the virtual helping to change its behaviour with regard to my research work on Behavioural Differentiations between the Real and the
Virtual and my theories as “Avatarization”, “Virtual Intelligences”, “Transverse Zone” developed in my scientific publications (Touzeau, 2017-18, 1) and books (Touzeau, 2015 / 2018, 2).
Can recruitment be reliable as it is today in the face of behaviour developed in the virtual world?
Can recruiting in a virtual environment allow itself to use the same techniques as in the real world?

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Nadine Touzeau
Touzeau, N. (2019). Is recruitment well protected against Behavioural Differences between Real and Virtual?. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 2(4), 587–591.
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