Treatment outcome of sick newborns in primary hospitals in Ethiopia

Efrem Teferi (1) , Ismael Ali (2) , Zergu Tafesse (3)
(1) , Ethiopia
(2) USA ID Transform: Primary Health Care project, Ethiopia , Ethiopia
(3) USAID Transform: Primary Health Care project, Ethiopia , Ethiopia


The global neonatal mortality rate has decreased by 37%, per 1000 live births, compared

with greater than 50% reduction for mortality rates among children aged 1 to 59 months,

since 1990. The main causes of mortality were complications of preterm birth 36%, birth

asphyxia 23%, and infections 23%. In Ethiopia neonatal mortality decreased from 39 to 29

between the 2005 and 2016 EDHS but has remained stable since the 2016 EDHS.

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Efrem Teferi
Ismael Ali
Zergu Tafesse
Efrem Teferi, Ismael Ali, & Zergu Tafesse. (2023). Treatment outcome of sick newborns in primary hospitals in Ethiopia. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 6(1), 23832388.
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