Bogotá Bag as a Conservative Measure for Open Abdomen Secondary to Intra-Abdominal Sepsis

Diego Alejandro Largo Cordoba (1) , Sandra Marcela Figueroa Cardenas (2) , Oscar Oswaldo López Bravo (3) , Camila Andrea Torres Castro (4) , Jorge Julian Mendoza Anguila (5) , Juan Pablo Montoya Castro (6) , Christian Orlando Pabon Valenzuela (7) , Juan Felipe Casabon Pastrana (8)
(1) General Physician, Universidad de Antioquia , Colombia
(2) , Colombia
(3) , Colombia
(4) , Colombia
(5) , Colombia
(6) , Colombia
(7) , Colombia
(8) , Colombia


Sepsis is defined as the inflammation of the serous membrane that delimits the abdominal cavity and the organs contained in it. In the treatment of patients with intra-abdominal sepsis, and due to the high morbidity and mortality that it entails, modifications have been introduced in order to find the most appropriate treatment to obtain better results. This is where the open abdomen plus Bogotá bag technique emerges. The open abdomen technique is a very important surgical method and today it is still fully valid, having very precise indications in abdominal sepsis, in severe trauma and in some other pathologies, however, it is true that scenarios may arise where this technique can compromise therefore, the use of additional and conservative measures has been seen as necessary to help increase the survival rate of patients, this is where the "Bogota Bag" arises, which consists of fixing to the fascia or the skin of a 3L sterile irrigation bag or similar material, which provides atraumatic coverage of the exposed viscera and allows permanent visualization and monitoring of their status. It is a fact that this last procedure has positively promoted the preservation of the open abdomen secondary to intra-abdominal sepsis and has brought with it multiple advantages and utilities that will be described throughout this bibliographical review.

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Diego Alejandro Largo Cordoba
Sandra Marcela Figueroa Cardenas
Oscar Oswaldo López Bravo
Camila Andrea Torres Castro
Jorge Julian Mendoza Anguila
Juan Pablo Montoya Castro
Christian Orlando Pabon Valenzuela
Juan Felipe Casabon Pastrana
Cordoba, D. A. L. ., Cardenas, S. M. F. ., Bravo, O. O. L. ., Castro, C. A. T. ., Anguila, J. J. M. ., Castro, J. P. M. ., Valenzuela, C. O. P. ., & Pastrana, J. F. C. . (2022). Bogotá Bag as a Conservative Measure for Open Abdomen Secondary to Intra-Abdominal Sepsis. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(4), 1886–1893.
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