Telogen Effluvium and Alopecia Areata as Clinical Manifestations of Covid-19

Laura Camila Garcia Medina (1) , Fredys Daniel Chávez Bertel (2) , Adriana María Echeverría de Banegas (3) , Dalila Rosa Fernández cuello (4) , Karem Melissa Palomino Duarte (5) , Yalisa Consuegra Montes (6) , Viviana Yaneth Martínez Suárez (7) , Didier Leonidas Diaz Parra (8)
(1) General Phyisician, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá , Colombia
(2) , Colombia
(3) , Colombia
(4) , Colombia
(5) , Colombia
(6) , Colombia
(7) , Colombia
(8) , Colombia


Every day we naturally lose an average of 100 hairs, but different health problems can accelerate this loss, one of them is the current pandemic called by the World Health Organization as "Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (SARS-2 /COVID-19), where various predominantly respiratory clinical symptoms have been exposed such as fever, cough, chest pain, dyspnea, myalgia, asthenia and others that limit them to carry out their daily activities, however as the Over time, it has been shown to attack other organs, giving rise to new symptoms, although with less effect, such as severe hair loss, which have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients, favoring states of anxiety or depression as a result of what is known as effluvium. telogen or alopecia areata.

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Laura Camila Garcia Medina
Fredys Daniel Chávez Bertel
Adriana María Echeverría de Banegas
Dalila Rosa Fernández cuello
Karem Melissa Palomino Duarte
Yalisa Consuegra Montes
Viviana Yaneth Martínez Suárez
Didier Leonidas Diaz Parra
Medina, L. C. G. ., Bertel, F. D. C. ., Banegas, A. M. E. de ., cuello, D. R. F. ., Duarte, K. M. P. ., Montes, Y. C. ., Suárez, V. Y. M. ., & Parra, D. L. D. . (2022). Telogen Effluvium and Alopecia Areata as Clinical Manifestations of Covid-19. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(4), 1906–1909.
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