Sars-Cov-2 and its Relationship with the Development of Guillain Barre
Roberto José Bonfante Villalobos
Ludin Alexandra Rueda Becerra
Zaira Maria Sanchez Silvera
Jairo Alejandro Alonso Bonilla
Laura Isabela Pantoja Guerrero
Dany Marcela Montes López
Isnardy Rosa Gómez Martínez
Daniel Andrés Ricardo Guevara
Rhonald Gómez Caballero
General Physician, Universidad del Cartagena
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
, Colombia
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Vol. 5 No. 4 (2022)
Guillain-Barré syndrome, GBS, paralytic neuropathy, SARS-COV-2, covid 19.
Guillain Barré syndrome is a rare pathology today, which attacks the peripheral nervous system and produces muscle weakness and even loss of sensitivity in patients. In recent years, a great association has been evidenced between patients admitted to the emergency service with COVID 19 disease, who later tend to develop this syndrome, which is why a bibliographic review is carried out in order to establish the relationship between the virus and the development of this pathology.
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Roberto José Bonfante Villalobos
General Physician, Universidad del Cartagena
Ludin Alexandra Rueda Becerra
Zaira Maria Sanchez Silvera
Jairo Alejandro Alonso Bonilla
Laura Isabela Pantoja Guerrero
Dany Marcela Montes López
Isnardy Rosa Gómez Martínez
Daniel Andrés Ricardo Guevara
Rhonald Gómez Caballero
Villalobos, R. J. B. ., Becerra, L. A. R. ., Silvera, Z. M. S. ., Bonilla, J. A. A. ., Guerrero, L. I. P. ., López, D. M. M. ., Martínez, I. R. G. ., Guevara, D. A. R. ., & Caballero, R. G. . (2022). Sars-Cov-2 and its Relationship with the Development of Guillain Barre. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(4), 1925–1932.
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