Fatigue symptom and oximetry sign in a patient with a positive Covid-19 antigen test for Sars-Cov-2

Rene Aguilar (1)
(1) , Mexico


The present study was carried out with a total of 1747 patients, out of which 418 tested positive with the Covid-19 antigen test. This test is the one used by the Ministry of Public Health of Guatemala. The study was carried out in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, from the months of June of the year 2020 to August of the year 2021.

It is confirmed that mild to moderate fatigue is a frequent symptom. The oximetry sign, according to the frequency presented by the patients is less than or equal to 94 SpO2, the range of patients between 90 to 94 and 95 to 98 SPO2 is significant, in patients with a positive Covid-19 antigen test.

Symptoms and signs of temperature, malaise, muscle or joint pain, headache, cough, loss of taste, loss of smell, nasal congestion, vomiting or diarrhea, shortness of breath, wheezing, and pain when breathing obtained varied data. The male sex obtained a majority compared to female sex, the average age was 42 years.

The most common diseases were: diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. The frequency obtained from co-workers and household relatives was five people. The most frequent occupations were: merchants, domestic employees, students, and housewives, among others.

It is suggested that the symptom of fatigue and the oximetry sign be included in the epidemiological form so that it serves as  support for the treating physician to decide where the patient will carry out his convalescence.

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Rene Aguilar
Aguilar, R. . (2022). Fatigue symptom and oximetry sign in a patient with a positive Covid-19 antigen test for Sars-Cov-2. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(8), 2165–2176. https://doi.org/10.52845/JMRHS/2022-5-8-5
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