Delivering Integrated Health Care: Role and Importance of Multidisciplinary Team Clinic Role and Importance of Multidisciplinary Team Clinic in Nineveh Province

Rawaa Al-Rawee (1) , Marab (2) , Waleed (3)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:22:"PhD MaxFacs / FDSRCPSG";} , Iraq
(2) M.B.Ch.B , M. Sc. Community Medicine, Ph.D Community Medicine , Iraq
(3) M.B.Ch.B, Iraqi board ENT  Specialist . , Iraq


Aim: To evaluate and assess the knowledge of specialist regardless to ther speciality about the Multidisplinary Team Clinic and highlighting the benefit, obstcals and management information in Nineveh Province as t pass through many political circumstances. Material and Method: A cross?sectional study was conducted between August to November 2021 among specialist working in Nineveh Health Directorate. Sample size was intended according to the established role 10% from the total number of each group and even more. The minimum calculated sample size was (242 ) participants. Doctors (161), Pharmacists (28), and Dentists (53). Questioners focus on demographical informations, knowledge of specialized doctors about MDT Clinics, benefit, obstacles and management information. Result: Specialist have good knowledge, and informations about the benefitwith the obstcals,  for correlation and signifacncy, correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) through spearman test. Most of answers show significant relations. Conclusion: MDT has advantages for all institutions, patients, and medical professionals. The major objective of MDT is to provide all patients with high-quality, specialized medical care while advancing knowledge among MDT members.

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Rawaa Al-Rawee
Author Biographies

Marab, M.B.Ch.B , M. Sc. Community Medicine, Ph.D Community Medicine


Institutions: Nineveh Health Directorate   

Department: : Training and human development Center.

Job Title: Specialist Community Medicine ( Public Health)



Waleed, M.B.Ch.B, Iraqi board ENT  Specialist .



Institution: Nineveh Health Directorate.

Department: Training and Human development Center  .

Job title:  consultant ENT .

Mobile: 009647517409591

Al-Rawee, R., Al-Fathy, D. M. ., & Bashir Alsabee ., D. W. . . (2022). Delivering Integrated Health Care: Role and Importance of Multidisciplinary Team Clinic Role and Importance of Multidisciplinary Team Clinic in Nineveh Province . Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(10), 2278–2294.
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