Eye Diseases Transmitted by Insects to Humans

Batool Shakir Abed Almjalawi (1) , Alaa Sajaad Al-Khafagi (2) , Asaad Sh. M. Alhesnawi (3)
(1) Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Education in Kerbala. Kerbala.Iraq. , Iraq
(2) Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Education in Kerbala. Kerbala.Iraq. , Iraq
(3) , Iraq


Microorganisms can affect ocular causing infections, most common eye infections are due to bacteria while fugal, viral and parasitic infection are less than bacteria. Most familiar symptoms to the eyes infections are pinky eye, pain, tears, itchy, and in general the inflammation affected the external part of the eye, however there are some infectious diseases that may affect other part of the eye but they are very rare. It is important to study the infection pathologically, morphologically, and molecular biology using the most advanced techniques to identify the infection and prescribe the optimal treatment. In the current brief review article the author went through the main microorganisms that causes ocular infections particularly; bacteria, viruses, fungal, and parasites, and describe the main symptoms and the microorganism that cause the infection and which part of the eye is affected.

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Batool Shakir Abed Almjalawi
Alaa Sajaad Al-Khafagi
Asaad Sh. M. Alhesnawi
Almjalawi, B. S. A., Al-Khafagi, A. S., & Alhesnawi , A. S. M. (2023). Eye Diseases Transmitted by Insects to Humans . Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 6(6), 2639–2647. https://doi.org/10.52845/JMRHS/2023-6-6-6
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