Future of Nursing Education and Research with ChatGPT

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In the current year, the use of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) or conversational artificial intelligence has gained popularity. This technology has proven to be highly beneficial in various fields, including healthcare. ChatGPT has been increasingly used to enhance communication, education, and research in nursing. This raises the question: What is the future of ChatGPT in nursing education and research? This article explores the different aspects of ChatGPT in nursing and examines how it can contribute to the future of nursing education and research. This article will review the current applications of ChatGPT in nursing, its advantages and disadvantages, and the potential for future advancements. One of the main benefits of ChatGPT is that it allows for more personalized learning experiences. With its ability to analyze a student's performance and provide tailored feedback, this technology can help nursing educators to identify areas where their students may be struggling and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.

Furthermore, ChatGPT can also be used to simulate patient scenarios, allowing nursing students to practice their skills in a safe and controlled environment. This can help to reduce the risk of error, increase confidence and build critical thinking skills. In addition to its importance in nursing education, ChatGPT is becoming an increasingly valuable tool in nursing research. The ability of this technology to analyze vast amounts of data allows researchers to gain new insights into patient care, disease prevention, and treatment options. For example, researchers can use ChatGPT to analyze patient data and identify patterns that may indicate the onset of a particular disease or condition. This information can then be used to develop more effective treatment options or preventative measures. Regarding the future of ChatGPT in nursing education and research, several exciting developments are on the horizon. For example, some researchers are exploring using ChatGPT to analyze social media data and identify trends in patient behavior and attitudes toward healthcare. Others are looking at ways of integrating ChatGPT into telehealth services, allowing patients to have a more personalized and interactive healthcare experience in the comfort of their own homes. Importance of technology in healthcare continues to grow, and ChatGPT is likely to become an increasingly important tool for nursing education and research. Whether it's helping students to learn more effectively, providing researchers with new insights into patient care, or improving the patient experience through telehealth services, the future of ChatGPT in nursing looks bright.

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alkhaqani50@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
ALKHAQANI, A. (2024). Future of Nursing Education and Research with ChatGPT. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 7(2), 3028–3032. https://doi.org/10.52845/JMRHS/2024-7-2-4
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