Change in Population of Hydrogen Proton Magnetic Dipole Moment at Relaxation in The Blood as a Basis for Blood Pressure Monitoring

Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati (1) , A.B.S. Utomo (2) , G. Maruto (3) , Y.R. Utomo (4)
(1) Physics Department Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia
(2) Physics Department Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia
(3) Physics Department Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia
(4) Physics Department Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Indonesia , Indonesia


The research has been carried out to create a non-invasive blood pressure monitoring system in the branchial artery of a sample based on a rotating of the magnetic spin dipole moments of proton in hydrogen atom. This is motivated by the fact that change the population of a sudden and relaxation of the magnetic spin dipole moment of a proton in the hydrogen atom shortly after passing through the gap between magnetic poles (the strength of 1,200 gauss) can produce an induced emf. The system utilizes two permanent magnets and the receiver coil, and the system is called a magnet coil system. In this research, the writer wants to produce a non-invasive monitor for blood pressure but based on pulses of blood pressure waves. This study aims to get the value of equality between electromotive force induction which is washed away with blood (in the branchial artery) to the value of blood pressure from a number of samples measured by a sphygmomanometer. In addition, the total reproducibility of the tool is also calculated. As for the methodology carried out is to place the sample arm between the two permanent magnetic poles with a magnitude of (7.30.2)x103 gauss, and the electromotive induction is captured by receiver coil (involving 2,000 turns and 0.1 mm wire diameter). The receiver coil is connected with a digital storage oscilloscope. The result of equality between electromotive force induction  (by rotation of the magnetic spin dipole moments of a proton in hydrogen atom at the time of relaxation) is obtained by the number of the digital sphygmomanometer from about 50 arms sample in the region of the induced electromotive force value of 0 to 80 mV and sphygmomanometer of 0 to 220 mmHg. The induced emf value is 4 times greater than when using a permanent magnet whose magnetic field is only about 1,200 gausses. While the total reproducibility of the magnet coil system is (201).

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Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati
A.B.S. Utomo
G. Maruto
Y.R. Utomo
Jati, B. M. E., Utomo, A., Maruto, G., & Utomo, Y. (2019). Change in Population of Hydrogen Proton Magnetic Dipole Moment at Relaxation in The Blood as a Basis for Blood Pressure Monitoring. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 2(7), 654–659.
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