Study on the Development Needs of the Tadulako General Hospital as Class B State University Hospital for Education (After the Palu City Earthquake)

Ketut Suarayasa (1) , Bertin Ayu Wandira (2) , Parmin . (3)
(1) , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia


Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 8 of 2021 concerning State University Hospital (RSPTN) states that to improve the quality of higher education, research, and health services, teaching hospitals have an important role in the implementation of medical education, education and research in the health sector, and health services. This is an opportunity for Tadulako General Hospital as one of the RSPTN in Indonesia to develop itself from a Class C non-Educational Hospital to a Class B Education Hospital. However, the 2018 earthquake caused this planning to experience obstacles, because the Tadulako RSU building was one of the buildings at Tadulako University that was affected by the disaster.

This study aims to conduct a study of the development needs of the Tadulako General Hospital into a Class B Education Hospital. The specific objectives are to conduct studies from aspects of geography, demography, socio-economics, morbidity and mortality, policies and regulations as well as studies of land, buildings and human resources.

The method used in the study of developing the needs of Tadulako General Hospital is Mix Method, through quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitative studies were conducted through questionnaires and checklists. While the qualitative study through direct observation to the Tadulako General Hospital and in-depth interviews.

The results of the study show that: 1) The geographical conditions of Central Sulawesi provide opportunities for hospital development; 2) Demographically, Palu City has a potential market in the field of Hospital services; 3) People's purchasing power increases and is supported by the value of local wisdom, nosarara nosabatutu and sintuvu; 4) The high incidence of tropical diseases and traumatology (due to disasters) gives the Tadulako General Hospital an opportunity to focus on excellence in these two fields; 5) Policies and regulations support the establishment of Tadulako General Hospital as a Class B Education Hospital; 6) Land and buildings support the increase in hospital class, while the recruitment of resources must be done gradually.

Conclusion: The construction and development of the Tadulako General Hospital into a Class B Education Hospital is feasible by taking into account the fulfillment of the recommendations on the standards of the Class B Education Hospital.

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Ketut Suarayasa
Bertin Ayu Wandira
Parmin .
Suarayasa, K. ., Wandira, B. A. ., & ., P. (2022). Study on the Development Needs of the Tadulako General Hospital as Class B State University Hospital for Education (After the Palu City Earthquake). Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(8), 2190–2196.
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