The Influence of Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women with Stunting Incidence in Pantoloan Health Center, Palu City

Ketut Suarayasa (1) , Wa Ode Sitti Roziqin (2) , Sumarni . (3) , Miranti . (4) , Bertin Ayu Wandira (5)
(1) a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:19:"Tadulako University";} , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia
(4) , Indonesia
(5) , Indonesia


Poor maternal nutritional status during pregnancy and before pregnancy is a risk factor for stunting, because it causes limited intrauterine development resulting in less than optimal fetal development. According to WHO, stunting is if a child is short in stature and has a height for age of less than -2 standard deviations. This study aims to determine the influence of the nutritional status of pregnant women on the incidence ofstunting at the Pantoloan Community Health Center. Case control research design. The total population was 956 toddlers and the sample was 88 toddlers, with stunting cases (44 toddlers) and control cases without stunting (44 toddlers). Sampling was taken using a purposive sampling technique and analyzed using the Chi-square test. There is no influence on the nutritional status of pregnant women based on Upper Arm Circumference in the Third Trimester on the incidence of stunting at the Pantoloan Community Health Center, Palu City (P value = 0.170, OR =1.89). There is no influence on the nutritional status of mothers based on Body Mass Index (BMI) before pregnancy with the incidence of stunting atthe Pantoloan Community Health Center, Palu City (P value = 0.400, OR = 1.7), and there is no influence on the nutritional status of pregnant women based on weight gain during pregnancy with the incidence of stunting at the Pantoloan Community Health Center, Palu City (P value = 0.437, OR = 1.5).

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Ketut Suarayasa
Wa Ode Sitti Roziqin
Sumarni .
Miranti .
Bertin Ayu Wandira
Suarayasa, K., Roziqin, W. O. S., ., S., ., M., & Wandira, B. A. (2023). The Influence of Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women with Stunting Incidence in Pantoloan Health Center, Palu City. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 6(10), 2778–2785.
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