Verónica Arango Machado (1) , César Camilo León Triana (2) , Jhon Fredy Bello Cordero (3) , Ángela María Saibis Vásquez (4) , Presleys Márquez Rodríguez (5) , Edmundo Alberto Molina Álvarez (6) , María José Durango de la Ossa (7) , Edwar Enrique Peña Esteves (8)
(1) Physician Surgeon, Universidad de Antioquia , Colombia
(2) General Physician, Universidad Libre de Barranquilla, Colombia , Colombia
(3) Physician Specializing in Emergency Medicine, Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, Bogotá-Colombia , Colombia
(4) General Physician, Universidad del Sinú, Colombia , Colombia
(5) General Physician, Universidad Remington, Colombia , Colombia
(6) 6. General Physician, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia , Colombia
(7) 7. General Physician, Universidad del Sinú de Montería, Colombia , Colombia
(8) 8. Physician Surgeon, Universidad Rómulo Gallego , Colombia


The infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease generated by COVID-19 that began in 2019 in Wuhan China has had a great impact on global morbidity and mortality, which in turn led to the creation in record time of the first vaccines used in humans against coronavirus. Vaccines such as Sinovac, Janssen, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna, of which have been authorized and administered in multiple countries with really favorable results. However, late post-vaccination adverse effects have been reported in patients vaccinated especially by Moderna and Pfizer, observing a compromise at the level of the skin causing the appearance in most cases of urticaria, edema, erythema, reactivation of herpes zoster, morbilliform eruptions, among others that are undoubtedly related to the mechanisms of action of the aforementioned vaccines.

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Verónica Arango Machado
César Camilo León Triana
Jhon Fredy Bello Cordero
Ángela María Saibis Vásquez
Presleys Márquez Rodríguez
Edmundo Alberto Molina Álvarez
María José Durango de la Ossa
Edwar Enrique Peña Esteves
Machado, V. A. ., Triana, C. C. L. ., Cordero, J. F. B. ., Vásquez, Ángela M. S. ., Rodríguez, P. M. ., Álvarez, E. A. M. ., Ossa, M. J. D. de la, & Esteves, E. E. P. . (2021). LATE SKIN REACTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE MODERN VACCINE. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 4(11), 1565–1575.
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