Pyonephrose : Risk factors, clinical, para-clinical and anatomopathological profile about 19 cases

Modeste Mayele Kenfuni (1) , Messian Gallouo (2) , mahmoud alafifi (3) , Austen Clehaude Dibingue Tsikambu (4) , Rania Alafifi (5) , Amine Moataz (6) , Mohammed Dakir (7) , Adil Debbagh (8) , Rachid Aboutaieb (9)
(1) , Morocco
(2) , Morocco
(3) urology , Morocco
(4) , Morocco
(5) , Morocco
(6) , Morocco
(7) , Morocco
(8) , Morocco
(9) , Morocco



Ponephrosis is a severe infection which is defined by the destruction of the renal parenchyma by a suppurative process within the dilated pyelocaliceal cavities. Suspected clinically but his diagnosis is mainly based on imagery. Despite clinical and radiological knowledge, it remains a surprise for the surgeon. The objective of this work is to describe the risk factors, the clinical, paraclinical and histological profile of it.


We report a retrospective uni-centric study conducted from 02/2018 to 02/17/2020 including all the patients meeting the definition criteria. The data collected on pre-established cards were: age, risk factors, symptomatology, clinical examination data, para-clinical and anatomopathological examination results


Nineteen cases were listed, including 11 men and 08 women (M / F ratio at 1.37). The average age at diagnosis was 40 years (25-75 years). Urolithiasis was the most represented risk factor with 68.4% of the patients (Table 1). Low back pain was the most frequent reason for consultation (52.6%), infectious syndrome in 42.5% of cases. The clinical examination found lumbar contact in 63.1% of cases and a fistula in two cases. In 57.8% of patients, urine culture and pus samples had isolated a germ. Kidney function was impaired in 21% of patients. Ultrasound was diagnosed in 11 cases, but CT confirmed in all cases (Figure 1). All patients were treated with antibiotic therapy followed by subcapsular nephrectomy in 15 cases. Complicated post-operative infection in 5.2% of cases; chronic non-specific pyelonephritis was the most common form in 74% of cases


Urolithiasis, obstruction of the upper apparatus and diabetes are the main factors involved. The Euro-scanner plays a crucial role in the diagnosis. Drainage of the excretory pathway completed with cold nephrectomy gives good results. Non-specific chronic pyelonephritis is the most common histological form.

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Modeste Mayele Kenfuni
Messian Gallouo
mahmoud alafifi (Primary Contact)
Austen Clehaude Dibingue Tsikambu
Rania Alafifi
Amine Moataz
Mohammed Dakir
Adil Debbagh
Rachid Aboutaieb
Kenfuni, M. M. ., Gallouo, M. ., alafifi, mahmoud, Tsikambu, A. C. D., Alafifi, R. ., Moataz, A. ., Dakir, M. ., Debbagh, A. ., & Aboutaieb, R. . (2022). Pyonephrose : Risk factors, clinical, para-clinical and anatomopathological profile about 19 cases. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 5(2), 1770–1773.
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