Antiviral effects of medicinal plants: Minireview

Hadi Sajid Abdulabbas (1) , Suhad Y. Abed (2) , Zena Abdul-Ameer Mahdi (3) , Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy (4) , Muhammad Akram (5) , Umme Laila (6) , Rida Zainab (7) , Noor S.K. Al-Khafaji (8) , Hussein O.M. Al-Dahmoshi (9) , Zainab Adil Ghani Chabuck (10)
(1) , Iraq
(2) , Iraq
(3) , Iraq
(4) , Iraq
(5) , Iraq
(6) , Iraq
(7) , Iraq
(8) , Iraq
(9) , Iraq
(10) , Iraq


Thousands of herbs & plants are present in the whole world which are studied & have significance as anti-viral novel agents. Frequently used important phyto components of the plants are peptides, proteins, thiophene, polyines, alkaloids, furly component, saponins, coumarins, polyphenolics, sulphides, lignans, terpenoids, flavonoids, and many more. All these components have the potential to work against different infections. Herbal tea, spices, culinary herbs, and volatile oil all possess anti-viral properties. Scientists do their research on antiviral effective plants to overcome viral infection. usually,plant extract& formulation are used to inhibit either the ribonucleic acid or deoxyribonucleic acid activities to prevent the spread of viral infection. in this paper, we studied the plants & their formulation against viral infection families like Herpesviridae, hepadnaviridae, and retroviridae. This study found many medicinal plants and their extracts effective against viral and bacterial infections, The contemporary Corona virus is one of the viruses affected by the extracts of these plants, such as Amelanchier alnifolia, rosa nutkana. Root and branch extract of racemose sambucus, potentilla arguta,  and lomatiumdissectum used against syncytial respiratory and rotavirus viruses. Influenza , para-influenza type 3 , herpes simplex , poliovirus, river ross, cytomegalo human & DNA viruses are the most prominent viruses affected by extracts of medicinal plants. The roots are the most important and effective part for obtaining effective medicinal plant extracts. Marine algae and  Marine herbs  possesses several therapeutic effects like anti-mutagenic properties, anti-viral, immunological, cholesterol regulation & anti-influenza. These extracts act as antivirals in several ways, including: anti-human immunodeficiency & effects on the viral replication at the intracellular level. This review demonstrates that there is an abundance of medicinal plants and herbs with untapped therapeutic potential for use against a wide range of viruses.

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Hadi Sajid Abdulabbas
Suhad Y. Abed
Zena Abdul-Ameer Mahdi
Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy
Muhammad Akram
Umme Laila
Rida Zainab
Noor S.K. Al-Khafaji
Hussein O.M. Al-Dahmoshi
Zainab Adil Ghani Chabuck
Abdulabbas, H. S. ., Abed, S. Y. ., Mahdi , Z. A.-A. ., Al-Hindy, H. A.-A. M. ., Akram, M. ., Laila, U. ., Zainab, R. ., Al-Khafaji, N. S. ., Al-Dahmoshi , H. O. ., & Chabuck, Z. A. G. . (2023). Antiviral effects of medicinal plants: Minireview. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 6(2), 2424–2429.
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