Molecular study for Escherichia coli isolates causing diarrhea at children

Muna Abdul Imam AL-Mazini (1)
(1) Biology Department- Science College, Basra University, IRAQ , Iraq


Inflammation of the stomach and intestine is a major problem because of the pathological conditions it causes Diarrhea, which is one of reasons for the high death rates among children, especially in developing countries (Bioshop, 2006; Kandakai - Olukem et al., 2009).

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Muna Abdul Imam AL-Mazini (Primary Contact)
AL-Mazini, M. A. I. . (2021). Molecular study for Escherichia coli isolates causing diarrhea at children. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 4(7), 1329–1341.
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