The Biophysical Function of the Human Middle Ear

Janos Vincze (1) , Gabriella Vincze- Tiszay (2)
(1) Health Human International Environment Foundation, Budapest, Hungary , Hungary
(2) , Hungary


The man perceives a part of the sounds with his organ of hearing which is of threefold setting up. The external ear is composed of the pavilion and the external auditory meatus (bore of hearing), then the middle ear (tympanum) sets up with the ear-drum membrane. In its cavity are to be found the auditory ossicles: the hammer (malleus), anvil (incus) and stapes, as sound conductors connecting the ear-drum with the oval window of the inner ear. Inside the oval window, the internal ear is filled up with fluid in which the balance-sensory organ (the semicircular canals) and the auditory organ, the cochlea take place. From here starts the auditory nerve to carry the stimulus of the cochlea to the auditory centre of our brain. It is our {auditory} organ of hearing to perceive speech and music. The evolution and continuous development of speech decisively contributed to the human race to emerge from the other living species, indeed, also the individual formation of speech essentially contributes to the explosion-like development of the child’s way of thinking.

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Janos Vincze (Primary Contact)
Gabriella Vincze- Tiszay
Vincze, J., & Tiszay, G. V.-. (2021). The Biophysical Function of the Human Middle Ear. Jour Med Resh and Health Sci, 4(5), 1245–1252.
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